Insights from Seth Godin’s Masterclass

2 min readJul 3, 2021

Recently, I am trying to follow some Seth Godin’s work and to learn whatever, I can. Here are some learning from 97th Floor Masterclass of Seth Godin, The Best mentor of Marketing.

👀 Here’s the 1 hr. 24 mins. video, if you want to watch it directly:

● Never show up until and unless you are making a change in someone’s life.

An individual can have a huge impact on millions of people.

● Ideas spread up differently in different culture. The one idea that solves problem can reach faster in India, than you think in America. You just have to accelerate the growth:

- By Creating a tension — which can done by scarcity and Fear of loss.

- By Status role — Making people believe that they are better then everyone.

● When you are building a BRAND don’t measure what you can i.e. the the easy measurements that benefit the media company and their agencies. Because brand isn’t about your instagram’s followers, it’s about the connection, interactions, and Trust.

● There are generally three different segments of consumers-

The EARLY ADOPTER- who buy because it’s new,

The people who buy because it works,

in the middle comes- CHASM, who believe in the safe side, who choose what most people are having.

● You have to earn the enrolment, never manipulate people. Let them choose you , make them feel powerful.

Don’t focus too much on reviews, there are so many fake out there. One star review persons are just not for you. They don’t belong to your business, you can’t make them happy.

● There are two type of information about your audience.

The pscyographic information worth more than the demographic one. The Demographic is the one where age, occupation, what you look like matters, On the other hand the pscyographic is one where, how you act, What you believe, what you want matters, which is more difficult to get.

● You must have heard the two types of people always win- the first comers and the experts in their field, but the First one who beings the idea on board is too overrated, you have to be generous, relevant, persistent in that.




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