How to make your business stand in the market

Chapter 4 (B), THIS IS MARKETING BY Seth Godin

1 min readJan 21, 2022

How do you stand out in a market and make people believe that your product/service is different from others?

By Making them realize that your cause of creating this is important. That you can make it worth, more than the price they are paying for.

This isn’t some Unique Selling Proposition for your business, but this is a generous way of telling people that you are this and not this, so that the people who need you, can find you easily.

You can always categorized people into two categories, the one who are early adaptors, these are the one who always want intersting things and gets bored easily.

On the other hand, we have people who wants products/services that can last.
It depends on you for whom you want to create things and where you position yourself, where you are an obvious choice or where you just compete with the mass for average products/ services.




Living Consciously. The one who creates to make change happen. I write stories that can warm your heart and give you a chill.